How Long Till She Gives Birth


Fish Fanatic
Feb 24, 2009
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essex uk
i trapped this expectant mum last night as i thought she looked pretty close, she was hanging around on her own at the top of the tank too,

but this morning there is no fry do you think i should let her back out again or is she so close i should leave her in another night ?





thanks for looking x x
I'd leave her, she looks as though she's going to pop... the gravid spot is very dark and she looks very squared off, and also very large from above.
well your right i left her in and she has started to give birth 2 fry at the moment B-)
The gravid spot is misleading as the best bet is to go by the size of her and when she starts to "box" of. Yes she is ready to give birth soon.
The gravid spot is misleading as the best bet is to go by the size of her and when she starts to "box" of. Yes she is ready to give birth soon.

i cant believe she has eaten them all as she was having them :crazy:
*?/%+ happens.... But sometimes,.... Putting 'em in isolation too soon, may induce premature spawning..... Personally,... (IMO) .... I woud've thought there are (were) still 5 days to go......(IMO).... Looking at her,... At least 40 fry should've come from this brood.... Nice pics though....
She looks really squared off so they should be coming soon. TO stop her from eating them just like her a lot of food at the top. They het hungry having babies and all!

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