How long tell fileling

A.K.A Zak

Fish Crazy
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Ohio, Orient
ok i heard that you should always feed your fish hard shelled items, but i am pretty much poor so i can't by them for about a nothe month or to. so then i was reading that you can use clove oil and trim them your self, if i did just that without feeding my puffer hard items, how often would i need to do that, and could i just do that? oh and my puffer fans his tail as big as it can get every minute of the day, is that a sing for illnesses, his water is perfect? thank you guy's and gals! :*)
As long as the fish is having no trouble eating you shouldn't need to trim the teeth. GSP's teeth don't grow as fast as Colomesus asellus so tooth length shouldn't be an issue for a while. You should only trim the teeth if absoulutly necessary as it is stressful to both the fish and fishkeeper :crazy: . Talk to the people at the lfs and they will probably give you some snails out of the plant tanks for free. Fanning the tail isn't a sign of problems as far as I know, I wouldn't worry about it unless other symptoms show up.
aka zak,
call/go to some of your lfs and ask them if you can take some of their nuisance snails (not the apple or mystery = pet snails buthe ones that overrun tanks that everyone want to get rid of.....) off their hands. most will be more than happy to give you all of them, though they may look at you like you belong in the looney bin (mine do, even after i explain its for a ifsh that needs to eat them......... :lol: )
my dwarf flares his tail now and again, i think its just something they do. i actually will sit and watch him until he does it for me, he has such a cute little tail. he'll do it a lot when i've dropped food in, maybe he's just trying to tell my gobies he IS tough, really,and that they should stay away (not that their fooled, they know he's the most passive puffer ever. :lol: )
ever going to post of photo of your little guy? i really want to see him!!!! :D
fanning the tail is a sign of good health happiness and sometimes aggression, if he didn't fan it at all then it would be time to worry.
i'm getting pics. on christmas, i'll show my cat playing with my fish ( not harming him ) , i'll show my puffer before i add his new salt, and i'll show the puffer after the new salt has been added, oh and of course gonna show the whole tank, and if i get new ordiments, then i'll show those as well. i will probley show at least 6-8 pictures.

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