How long should this take


Aug 7, 2004
Reaction score
Northern Illinois
I have a ten gallon tank that I got three days ago, it has three Zebra Danios and three Leopard Danios. The water is cloudy, I know that it is normal durring the fish/fishless cycle. How long should the cloudiness last.

oh, I forgot to add, I am using a water conditioner recomended at the LFS, it's supposed to romove chlorine(I already used a dechlorinator) remove ammonia and Detoxify nitrite and some other stuff.

thanx daniodude
my cloudy water is mostly gone, it is about 1/8 as cloudy as it was. how long before I can add other fish?

Hi daniodude;
what is the length of the tank?
How long do you plan to keep the zebras and leopards in the 10 gallon?
Are you using them just for cycling?
Will they be going into a larger tank after the cycle?
20 inches long 12 inches high and 10 inches deep. I am planning on kepping the danios in that tank for a while, no, they are not just for cycling.
ok thanks for replying :)
The length of the tank is not as bad as I thought it would be.
However in MHO it is too short, I would recomend 24" for zebras and leopards as they are very active swimmers. Your tank would be ok for the longfinned variety as they are not as acitve as their "normal" cousins, you could also keep glowlight danios, happily, in that tank.

Please remember that it is just my opinion, but I am very confident of my knowlage and only wish the best for you and your fish. :)

All the best Danio2004
from your responses, I will take your word for it. I will go to the LFS and see if they have longfin danios.

thanx for the help

daniodude(formally known as finfan
ok, many thanks :)
I'm sure that you will have many happy years with your danios.
If you ever get stuck you can pm me, smithrc, and opcn we are all very confident danio keepers :thumbs:
daniodude said:
hey Danio 2004, would a Giant Danio be happy in my 10" by 12" by 20" tank? if not how big should its tank be?
giant danios will reach 15.2cm as adults
so, no. They will need a minimum of 36"x 12"x 12"

Check out the fish index of this forum
for loads of info on many danios

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