How Long Should I Leave Lights On?


Fish Crazy
Feb 17, 2012
Reaction score
ashford, kent
i have just started keeping plants.i have 3 java ferns,1 crypt Willisii and 2 anubias.there in a 125 litre tank.i have the crypt buried in the gravel.the 3 java fern tied to slate and the 2 anubias tied to a ship.the lighting is One Power-Glo Fluorescent Aquarium Tube 20W T8 and
One Aqua-Glo Fluorescent Aquarium Tube 20W long should i leave the lights on for????
General rule of thumb, no more than about 8 hours. There's a few factors that'll effect this, like how many plants and if they're well established, is C02 being used or any oxygen being pumped in. if you've just started keeping a planted tank I would read the drop checker n diffusion threads on C02. That n YouTube DIY C02 generator.
You should be fine with that lot without any CO2. Keep the lighting times down. I've got about 8 hours spread into 2 batches, one in the morning and a slightly longer one in the evening. That way the lights are on when I'm not at work, rather than look at tanks in darkness. There's always a bit of trial and error depending on the plants, conditions and external light sources. You may want to drop well below the 8 hour mark and go down as far as 5 if you get algae problems.
thanks for the the lighting i have enough for the plants?
ive only had them 2 days.i also brought some tetra plant plantamin fert.not sure how good it states this - Add 5 ml per 10 litres after every partial water change,or 5 ml per 20 litres every four weeks for it ok to just dose every 4 weeks??
Your plants are pretty bullet proof to be honest. Some of those will pretty much grow in a dark room. You'll need some fertilisers in the long run, but you're unlikely to need much that's complicated. The crypts will probably complain first, and about any changes, they tend to melt off and come back if you change things.
Also don't worry if they 'melt' at first. Fairly much all new plants will melt or look droopy before they perk up.

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