How Long For My Comet To Reach Full Size


New Member
Jun 16, 2009
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i just got him today how big will he get in a 55gallon tank warm water also
In warm water they will grow faster, a 55g is large enough for one for life, so he should reach 12" easily over the course of a few years.

Ideally he needs coldwater, are you keeping him alone or with other fish?

If he's with tropicals, which isnt advised, try to keep the tank at the minimum temperature for the tropicals.

If he's alone, then you dont need warm water.
14" over the course of 2-4 years depending what size it is now. What are you feeding it as well?
I have a couple of comets in my pond and they went from 1.5" to 8" in 3 years. In warm water they will grow nearly twice as fast.
There are other fish in tank like bala shark and rainbow shark and clown loach

I Feed him
Dried blood worm,frozen Bloodworm,Flakes,algae discs and sinking pellets

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