How long does it take guppies to grow to their full size?


Fish Addict
Tank of the Month 🏆
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Jul 23, 2021
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Hello all!

So I have guppy fry that I’ve raised, I don’t know how old my oldest batches are exactly, probably 5-7 months by now, but a lot of them are still small.

I will be frank, my guppy tanks are overstocked. I have a 30 gallon for my male guppies and a 20 gallon for my female guppies. Problem: my ladies have dropped significantly more female fry, or the female fry have a higher survival rate. I’m talking like maybe a 3:1 ratio and yet it’s my ladies with the smaller tank. I’m talking with my sister about getting them a bigger tank. We have room for, at most a 45 gallon with its stand and whatever tank can fit on the bottom of that stand. Right now I have the 29 gallon on a stand and the 20 gallon underneath it.

My oldest male fry have grown no problem; many of them are bigger than their parents.

My female fry though… not a single one has grown to the same size as their mothers. It’s kind of pathetic how much bigger the mothers are. They seem to all reach the same size before they stop. I would say they’re about half as big as the moms and I’m not sure what to do. I should probably start selling them, but the thought of getting rid of fish I’ve carefully raised for 6 months Is quite depressing, especially since guppies bought at fish stores never seem to live very long (I’ve read your lucky if you get 6 months from a store bought guppy and the longest luck I’ve personally had with one from the store is 8 months) and the thought of possibly shortening their expectancy also hurts… but I’m also aware my over stocked tanks don’t help in that department. When fry first started appearing I was planning on selling them when they got big enough; but they aren’t getting big enough.

I change the water frequently but I don’t have a set schedule. I feed my adult tanks once a day. And I only have 4 adult female and 4 original adult male guppies. The rest are their armies of children to which I’ve lost count, but it’s a lot and it’s ridiculous.

Is there anything I can do to help the ladies growth with my current set up? Or will I have to sell them small or buy a new tank?


I lightly circled the one adult male that is currently in my female tank for size comparison. My adult ladies are in a separate birthing tank.

Edit: if I counted right I counted 61 female guppies in the above photo and that makes me nauseous at keeping them in a 20 gallon
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Hi, if the tank is more crowded, most of those guppies won't grow up the same size as their parents. It's got to do with the space availability. That's quite normal. Most of the time when a certain gender becomes the majority, the water temperature can be crucial during the pregnancy of the female involved.
In general, with moderate rates, guppies will mature between 2,5-4 months. But there are other factors that can be in play to let them mature faster or slower.
Just an idea, if you do double stacked tanks to save space this might be something to look into. A nice variety of common sizes!

I have personally stacked a 40 breeder and 20 long on this and it works quite well.

Petco is doing half off all tanks right now too, so...
Yes! I have one that looks exactly like the second table! I have a piece of wood across the bottom which holds my second tank!

Works fantastically~

And yep! I’ve already calculated the costs for a new 40 gallon tank… it would only cost about $250 rn for the tank and all new the supplies. And all my fish would get an upgrade due to it 😂

I don’t have the funds rn so im trying to convince my sister to go ahead and get it and I’ll pay her back but I don’t think that’s working so im setting up my empty 10 gallon tank to help spread the ladies out
Also I counted my guppies and ONLY my guppies

39 (juvenile tank)
61 (female tank)
4 (birthing tank)
42 (male tank)
17 (born yesterday)

For a total of 163 guppies

And they aren’t the only type of fish I have 😫
Yes! I have one that looks exactly like the second table! I have a piece of wood across the bottom which holds my second tank!View attachment 156250
Works fantastically~

And yep! I’ve already calculated the costs for a new 40 gallon tank… it would only cost about $250 rn for the tank and all new the supplies. And all my fish would get an upgrade due to it 😂

I don’t have the funds rn so im trying to convince my sister to go ahead and get it and I’ll pay her back but I don’t think that’s working so im setting up my empty 10 gallon tank to help spread the ladies out
Wow that is gorgeous! If you are planning to switch the tanks out, maybe you could just buy the stand and tank and pull equipment from the others?
Wow that is gorgeous! If you are planning to switch the tanks out, maybe you could just buy the stand and tank and pull equipment from the others?
I don’t think my current equipment is powerful enough in both gph and watts. So it might work at first and take the cost down about $50 but it would be temporary
Since I split up all my female guppies between two tanks they seem to have started growing bigger already!!
To grow tropical fishes fast:
1) feed 3-5 times a day with a variety of food. Make sure they eat and are fat and look like a pregnant guppy.
2) do big regular water changes (75% every day or every couple of days will help), and gravel clean the substrate.
3) keep the water warm, 28C is the best temperature for growing tropical fish.
4) big tanks and more room also help them grow faster.
Just outta curiosity…. Where are the sperm pouches on female guppies? I googled it and it said the sperm is stored in their ovaries. But like. How does it -get there-. It’s not like an egg playing fish like beta or Cory catfish where their mating rituals are very overt and include… intriguing mating positions (cough cough CORIES) or the hug of death in betas. I’ve heard it happens really really fast. So is the pouch somewhere along their backs? Or do the men have to flip upside down for a second?
Male livebearers like guppies, platies, swordtails and mollies have a modified anal fin called a gonopodium. They use the gonopodium to impregnate the females and deposit sperm packets inside the female. The female then uses the sperm packets to fertilise eggs when conditions are good.
Male livebearers like guppies, platies, swordtails and mollies have a modified anal fin called a gonopodium. They use the gonopodium to impregnate the females and deposit sperm packets inside the female. The female then uses the sperm packets to fertilise eggs when conditions are good.
But like… where is it deposited. Where’s the entrance to the sperm packets. Or is it just kinda of a -stab- where ever. Or do they have to do an upside down drive by to get in the baby popping hole? Since people says it’s fast I have a hard time believing such dramatics go down and that male guppies have that impeccable of an aim
To grow fish fast (@Colin_T ). You need a huge amount of water and somehow find out what the commercial breeders are feeding them (Which Steroid)
But like… where is it deposited. Where’s the entrance to the sperm packets. Or is it just kinda of a -stab- where ever. Or do they have to do an upside down drive by to get in the baby popping hole? Since people says it’s fast I have a hard time believing such dramatics go down and that male guppies have that impeccable of an aim
Fish have a cloaca, which is where their poop comes out of but also where their gametes are released from. The male livebearers insert their gonopodium into the female's cloaca and inject sperm packets into there.

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