The mollies and platy should have a diet consisting of plant/ algae, insects and insect larvae and a bit of marine based meat (prawn fish, squid).
The catfish should have a similar diet to the mollies but with less plant matter. Basically insects and insect larvae, small worms, marine based meats.
Check the ingredients on any dry foods and see what they contain. If it has any sort of grain (wheat, barley, oats, corn, soy, etc) in, then you are wasting your money. Fish can't digest grains and never evolved to eat them.
If the ingredients contain herbs and other terrestrial plants (rosemary, thyme, etc), you are wasting your money for the same reason as grains. Fish never evolved to digest these items and whilst they sound fancy and good for the fish, they don't benefit the fish.
You also need to see what ingredients are listed first. Normally manufacturers have to put the main ingredients first and lower percentage ingredients towards the end of the list. If the first ingredient is fish, prawn, vitamins, that isn't too bad because the main ingredients are fish and prawn.
If the ingredients read wheat flour, fish products, soy meal, herbs & spices, water soluble vitamins, etc, that isn't a good food for fish.
In relation to vitamins, they spoil and degrade quickly in damp/ humid conditions so any fish food containing vitamins needs to be kept cool, dry and away from light to minimise their breakdown.