How long do you leave the sinking wafer in?

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Fish Herder
Jun 25, 2004
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It is a lot easier with my Betta's. They gobble up what you give them as soon as it hits the water.

Am new to Cory's.... they ignore the tablet when it goes. Go to it and munch.... leave.... come back and munch somemore....
I dont know the "proper" answer but i just leave it in till its eaten usually takes an hour or two.

how many do you have? how long have you had them? mine were timid at first but now they are getting better at finding the food. :)
I've always wondered the same thing.

My sinking tablets usually get gobbled up by the other fish. Even if I feed them later after lights out its the other fish that eat it.

Considering cories are mainly nocturnal how do you feed them without the other fish eating it all?
Many bottom feeders come out at night and eat. I would put it in before lights out and if it is not eaten in the morning take it out. You can break the wafter in half and feed 1/2 in the morning...if it is not eaten by night don't feed anymore till the next day.

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