How Long Do You Keep Hatched Brine Shrimp?


Oct 5, 2021
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Atlanta, GA, USA
I started hatching brine shrimp to feed some angelfish that I got through the mail. They are juveniles, so I was feeding them brine shrimp (and 50% protein food sent gratis by the seller ). I have just kept hatching them about once a week. I've only done 1 teaspoon per hatch, but it's really too much to feed even both tanks all at once.

I looked online and found someone who said you can keep them refrigerated for a couple of days and they'll be fine. I did that. I took them out this morning and squirted them in the tanks. The fish went right after them, so that was good.

The only problem is that I can't tell if they were alive or not. I'm guessing they were, but they were just not moving much due to the temperature, but I'm not sure. Note that I did not really investigate- just held the container still and looked to see if I saw movement. I did, but it might have been the swirl of the water from pulling them out of the fridge.

Anyway- do any of you keep brine shrimp overnight? If so, how long? Do you think that it's bad for the fish if it's dead (and stored in the fridge overnight)?
For me, once they hatch, 24 hours max. Usually they are gone by 6 hours. As they develop, they consume the yolk sac they hatch with, and their nutritional value plummets.
I used mine up within 48 hours.

If 1 teaspoon makes too much, use 1/2 or 1/4 of a level teaspoon of dry eggs.
Thanks, guys! I'm going to throw out what's still in there and do half a teaspoon next time. I don't need that much-

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