How Long Do I The Tank Left It For ?

em 11

Fish Crazy
Nov 8, 2005
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ok i have the tank set up now the filters in & working ect ect
the last time i had a new tank was about 5 yrs ago :rolleyes: & i just left the tank for 3 weeks running than put fish in
its a 25 gallon
how long do i left it for
do i put some thing in it
:blink: in all this time you've never read any of the articles on fishless cycling ? There are so many topics around and I think rdd1952 did a very good one too. Or don't you have a current tank you can clone from - or use some of the filter media to help seed your new tank ?
...and I think rdd1952 did a very good one too.

Here's rdd's thread about fishless cycling, which is very helpful:

Just letting it run doesn't do anything. You need something to kick start the cycle. So you essentially cycled your tank with the fish in it, which is okay too, but I'd recommend fishless. :)
sorry posted in the forum
i putting goldfish in there

are goldfish tanks & trop tanks the same for cycleing

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