How Long Do Guppies Live For

They used to live for 4-5 years - but inter-breeding as meant they are now quite weakened and can only really expect to live for 1, maybe 2 years - even if looked after very well.
if a female has had lots of babies can its be shorter
It's not usually shorter if she has lots of babies, unless she gets stressed out by being in a breeding trap, or getting harrassed by the male constantly. Stress can make their life-span shorter, and it also makes them less that could make their lifespan shorter, depending on how fatal the disease. But in a direct answer; No, it shouldn't.
I had a female guppy for about almost 3 years. I had her since she was a fry.
Iv heard of wild stock surviveing for a little over 5 years, but i have yet to meet anybody who has kept a gup that has even made it close to that.

good stock probably 3-5 years

lfs stock probably 1-2 years (3 if your lucky)

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