How long do gerbils live?


Fish Crazy
Apr 14, 2004
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How long do gerbils live? My gerbils about 9month old but i tell tell hes slowing down a bit.He is'nt as active as he used to be and he falls to sleep when hes out of hi cage.Anyone help?
in captivity about 3-4years. in the wild only about 2 :D
thats why they breed so much :whistle:

how is his diet? do you give him any salt licks?
any fresh fruit like apple pears etc? is this a recent thing or has it been going on a while?
I give him fresh fruit and vegetables and he always has some kind of chew bar in his cage.Hes never eaten or even gone near a salt lick when i put one in his cage.He also has vitamin drops in his water sometimes.Hes only been acting sleepy these past few days.
okay good
so the signs are just lethargy and slow movement then?
Yea.He seems to just want to hide too.He just wants to burry himself in my hands.I thort he mite have got a cold or something like that but i dont really open my window and hes not near any drafts.But ever since i got him he has really bad nosebleeds i wonder if he could be kinda anemic or something.
can you go in to the chat room?
Il try get on but i cant garantee cos for sum reason it neva works.Ive got msn messenger if u can tlk on that.
I have msn but i really havn't used it yet :D

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