How long do bettas live?


Most books that I have read say they can live 2-3 years.

The longest I have ever had one was a year & 1/2, most of the time by the time you buy them they are about a year old.
My sister's betta was bought when he was full grown - but he has still lived for 2 1/2 years since then, and going strong! He's absolutely huge - I've never seen a betta with a head like his, he looks like a salmon with his great hooked jaw and all.
Ha ha Juliethegr8t! Salmon! LOL! I love it! Crazy mental image!
Ok well I've answered this in another post. In books they say around 2 years. However if you know what yoru doing and they are in good conditions they live to around 3-4 years. Mines been around for 3.5 years and its healthy.

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