how long can a 10 gallon tank last with no filter?

it really depends on what you have in there and how many water changes your willing to do a week! Just between you and me, I'd get a filter.
no i have a filter, it just that my guppy just gave birth and it is very weak and get's sucked onto the filter so i turned my filter down

i have..

3 cories and 2 guppy in there... :unsure:
without a flow of water past it - you bacteria in the filter will die...
if you can isolate the guppy in a breeding net or something.
well i cant isolate her at the moment because i got no more breeder box, it is taken up by her fry....

but i want to know how long the tank can last?

a day? 12 hrs?

i was thinking of leaving it off till tommrow just so that my guppy can get her strength back from giving birth :(
can you adjust the flow?

if so turn it down to minimum.

if not - point it at the side of the tank as that will disperse the flow.

if the filter if off for more than a few hours you may have problems. you'll need to monitor the water for nitrite spikes etc.

what about a small plastic container floating in the tank - she would be warm and no current - if its only for a small amount of time you would be fine (changing the water a few times of course.
My 10 gallon has been running for 2 years with only a UGF. I never do water changes I only replace evaporated water. Maybe I'm just VERY lucky :eek:
Hi kevin007 :)

If you just turned down the filter, your tank should be ok. If you are in doubt, just do a manual water change until you can turn it up again.

Oh, and whatever you do, do not put the guppy fry in the same tank as the cory fry. :X I thought I could do that, and it was not pretty. :byebye:
Inchworm said:
Hi kevin007 :)

If you just turned down the filter, your tank should be ok. If you are in doubt, just do a manual water change until you can turn it up again.

Oh, and whatever you do, do not put the guppy fry in the same tank as the cory fry. :X I thought I could do that, and it was not pretty. :byebye:
;) nah my guppy frys are in a breeder box and my cory fry are in a tank!

btw i have found a way and thanks for the replys!
i've got a betta in my 10gal by himself without a filter and i don't do water changes alot.....hardly EVER. i need to though. his tank is still green from his medication from getting his but kicked by one of my girls that got loose. that i think about it, maybe i'll do that tomorrow!
well in where i live we to loads of power cuts and the worst one lasted about 12hrs longenough to kill all the bacteria in the filter but after a 25% water change my tank was suprisingly good my plants seemed to have taken all the waste but if ur running withoiut a filter then i would recomend some ammoloc and get that filter media out of ur filter and put it in a bucket or run the filter in a bucket instead of ur tank so u don't have to cycle ur tank again or am i too l8 the bacteria should be able to go about 5hrs without air.

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