How long before they're comfortable?


Fish Herder
Nov 20, 2003
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
I've set up my livebearer tank. It is a 28 gallon Hex. I'm going to get some picures up here tonight. I've stocked it with half a dozen guppies and four Silver Lyretail Mollies.

My question is, how long does it take them to get used to me? I can view them from the other side of the room and they seem to go about their business without a problem, but approach the tank and they go nuts, diving for cover so fast that half the time they go the wrong way!
I have had my guppies for about 2 or 3 week now and they go nutz trying to get to me when they see me. When I feed them I make sure I stand right in front of the thank so the learn to associate me with food. Try it and I bet they will stop being so jumpy.
My fish usually calm down within a couple of days. Its a big change from being at the pet store, in a bag and finally a new home. Soon enought they'll come up to the front to be fed everytime you walk in the room. :D
Ok, I'll give it some time.

I'm used to shy fish that need to get used to things - but cichlids are a little more calm about it, they just duck under cover and then poke out to see what's going on. These guys just completely freak out! And it's hard to feed them because they are nowhere to be seen - I sprinkle a bit of food on the water and then retreat to watch from a distance. They come back out eventually but don't seem interested in the food. Like you guys said, I'm sure time will sort it out.

it might take up to a week before they get comfortable. my livebeares, especially molly, rush to see me whenever i come close to the tank (i guess they rush to see the food :lol: ) and when i put my finger on the glass, molly will follow it, like a puppy. it's so cute

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