How Long Before The Female Can Be Used For Spawning Again?


Fish Crazy
Jan 23, 2006
Reaction score
QC, Philippines
Title says it all. How long does it take before the female can be used for spawning again?
I'd personally leave it at least for 3 weeks during which time I would feed her up and rest her away from the other females.

But it depends on how long the last spawning session lasted, how badly she was beaten up etc.

Less time would be needed for R&R if the previous spawning happpened quickly and she didn't get attacked too much by the male.
Exactly what Amerce said... only I would add that water quality is a very important thing... and how well she is fed.

If she was not damaged (or only very minor injury)... 2 weeks. Alternating foods to provide max nutrition... and feeding smaller amounts more often. Keeping the water excellent will help her rebound faster and be in the best health to breed again.

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