How Long Before My Corys Pair Off?


Fish Fanatic
May 23, 2008
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I'm just wondering, i bought 4 peppered corys about 4 weeks ago, and i was just wondering how long it normaly takes for them to pair off?
I've had corys before but albino's, and they seems to pair off very quickly.
Are peppered any different?


Hi Kevthefish

I don't normally think in terms of Corys pairing off. While I don't doubt that some females have favorite beaus, Cory life is much more communal and their sex life is much more like a male harem. To be blunt it is like a female dog in heat. All the boys chase the lady and some are more fortunate than others. But she is generally fairly accommodating.
Hi Kevthefish

I don't normally think in terms of Corys pairing off. While I don't doubt that some females have favorite beaus, Cory life is much more communal and their sex life is much more like a male harem. To be blunt it is like a female dog in heat. All the boys chase the lady and some are more fortunate than others. But she is generally fairly accommodating.

Wow, ok thanks for that.

It shouldn't be long now untill they spawn.
There has to be a male and a female in my 4 corys LOL
I hope so anyway.

Thnks again
Hi Kevthefish

I don't normally think in terms of Corys pairing off. While I don't doubt that some females have favorite beaus, Cory life is much more communal and their sex life is much more like a male harem. To be blunt it is like a female dog in heat. All the boys chase the lady and some are more fortunate than others. But she is generally fairly accommodating.

Wow, ok thanks for that.

It shouldn't be long now untill they spawn.
There has to be a male and a female in my 4 corys LOL
I hope so anyway.

Thnks again

Dont be so sure they will spawn, I (and many others) have kept cories in all sorts of set ups with no sign of spawning. Just fingers crossed :)
What kind of Corys and what conditions: temp, tank mates,food, etc. It is most unusaul for pepper Corys not to eventually spawn. But hatching the eggs and raising the fry are different problems to be solved.

Peppers should be showing there genders by 6-9 months I would say and courting by a year. They most likely are capable of viable eggs by then.

There are several things that can interfere of course.

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