How long before fish?

there are loads of myths that some lfs employees like to tell people like leave your tank for 2 weeks etc... this is complete rubbish as a cycle will noy start untill a source of ammonia is added to the tank either by adding a few hardy fish or by adding pure ammonia.

if you go down the cycling with fish route a couple of days for the tank to settle and get upto temp is sufficient then only adding 1 inch of fish for ever 5 gallons of water. the best fish for this are either danios, platy or black widow tetras in my opinion as they are some of the only fish that will withstand hight ammonia and nitrite levels (others will have other suggestions).

If cycling without fish (fishless cycle) pure ammonia is added to the tank daily untill the cycle is complete (anything between 2 and 6 weeks) there are loads of advantages of this like no fish being harmed or stressed in the process and if done correctly you can almost stock your tank in one go.

i much prefer fishless cycling myself but if you must use fish please use the fish recomended in the right quantities.

hope that helps
You'll know your tank is about halfway through the cycle when the water begins to really smell. If you have fish in the tank, do small water changes, otherwise don't. If you want the process to go really fast, go to your LFS and ask them for a small amount of their gravel, about a cup. Pour the gravel in your tank where the water flow is best, this will rapidly spread the nitrobacteria already colonized on the LFS's gravel onto yours, hence removing ammonia. This should have your tank cycled in no time.
personally i would prefer to use a more accurate method like testing the water myself but thats just me ;)
kribs mate said:
personally i would prefer to use a more accurate method like testing the water myself but thats just me ;)
Agreed, though konrad's point on getting a starter culture of bacteria was vital. Do not skip that step. Your fishtank will cycle much faster if you introduce bacteria.

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