How Larger Tank Do I Need For My Gibby?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 26, 2005
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I bought a gibbicpes pleco at around 2.5 inches long around 14months ago! Be misinformed i didn't realise how fast this thing would grow!

Hes now just over 10inches, which I think is incredible in that shorter space of time!

At the moment hes in a 180litre tank, what sort of size tank is he going to be comfortable in, the one at the moment is a Fluval Duo deeep 1000, so 39inches long and creating a lot of waste! im currently running an external filter and he has a few inhabitants, 2 silver sharks, a golden nugget pleco, 3 cardinal tetras, 2 zebra danios and 3 small clown loaches?

any ideas?

Yeah you might even need bigger than that if you plan to keep the balas (silver sharks). They are very skittish and like to be in bigger groups.
May end up fighting with the Gold Nugget as well if low on space... that fish alone would appreciate a good territory. Provide plenty of good caves/refuges for both fish, and large, regular water changes. :)
I've got my 7" Gibby in a 5ftx18"x18" at the moment (he was around 2" when I got him 8 months ago) with a plan to upgrade to a 6x2x2 or 7x2x2 as soon as I have the cash.

I too made the silly newbie mistake of listening to the LFS when they said 'oh they rarely get above 8 inches' I now know that is becasue they are usually kept in tanks that are too small.

I fully expect 'Nipper' to reach 12 inches within the next 6 months or so as he gets a very varied diet (loves prawns) so I'm aiming to have the bigger tank not long after that.

One thing I noticed is that he had a massive growth spurt when he was moved into the 5ft from a 3ft, he grew about 2 inches seemingly overnight!

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