In my sons tank there is One ( female) red wagtail platy , One unknown gender Fancy Guppy, 4 LampLighter tetras, and 4 neon tetras. THe Wag Tail has given birth 3 times in the 6 months we have had her. THe first two times were all fry that look like her. THe last time she had only a few very light color peach ones that looked like her and one baby that looks just like the Fancy Guppy. JUST ONE , only its body is darker.
I`m reading that wag tails can hold sperm for about 3 months, so this explains the first two broods. But how in the world did the 3rd brood come to be??? She is getting fat again and hiding like she is about to give birth again , but I am also reading that Platy and Guppy cannot breed. SO WHAT GIVES???
Any ideas? THanks
I`m reading that wag tails can hold sperm for about 3 months, so this explains the first two broods. But how in the world did the 3rd brood come to be??? She is getting fat again and hiding like she is about to give birth again , but I am also reading that Platy and Guppy cannot breed. SO WHAT GIVES???
Any ideas? THanks