How Is This For A Tank Set Up?


Resurrecting the Passion of Fishkeeping
Nov 12, 2009
Reaction score
OK- Neptune's new home is as follows

10 US Gallons
Pool Filter Sand Substrate
Live plants: 2 Banana Plants, 4 White Ribbon, 4 Argentinian Sword
Caves, driftwood
Will soon have Java Moss

Tank Mates: 7 Neon Tetras, 4 African Dwarf Frogs, 2 Peppered Corydoras
be wary of the bettas ans neons..most say they dont mix well and may see fin nipping (although ive never had the problem). lots more plants. but overall seems a really nice setup!
pics when its running :)
Heater and a Whisper Filter :) (more gentle current)

I will upload a photo shortly :)
wow, thats a lovely big tank for him!! He must think he's in heaven!!!
wow what a great betta tank. He must be soooo happy :)

I think you have some non aquatic plants in your tank. The green/white ones in the corner. They are a type of dracena which does best has a house plant on the window sill...LFS are famous for selling them as aquatic plants but eventially they will rot being fully submerged.
Really? grr ok well what about argentinian sword?
the sword should be fine.

generally plants sold with white on them are not true aquatic plants. You can keep the 'dracenia' in the tank just be aware that it will soon rot and melt away. LFS sell these plants because once it rots away, you come back to them and buy more.

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