How Is My Stocking For 120L Tank


New Member
Jul 14, 2012
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My tank has been going for about 3years now and im pretty happy with The fishes and my plants etc. I have 1 fluval 3 filter and 1Mini filter running, tank temp is 28c, i have sand, bogwood and planted tank. I do 3 x 20l water changes a week with a mix of RO water and tap water ph is 6.5. I wanted to àdd some more fish to my cory numbers or maybe swap them for khuli loaches instead.

My current stock is:

12 neon tetras
10 rummy nose tetras
2 B.Rams which are being exchanged for 2 more GBR soon.
2 panda cory
2 leapord cory
1 BN plec
I use a api tesying kit and all my levals are 0 and .20 for notráte

So to increase cories or àdd loches or can i have them both
I would up the cories first, then check your water again in a few weeks time. If your filters are handling the extra stock well (no ammonia, no nitrite and low nitrate) then no reason not to get the khulis as well. Be warned though that the khulis are shy fish and you won't see a lot of them!
Replace the Cories you have with Sterbai and the Neons for Cardinals and you have a winning tank. I would rehome the Bolivians and stick with 2 GBR's. 4 Will be pushing it.
What is The difference between The neons and cardinals and The cories?
Cardinals have a red stripe the entire length of there body and grow a little bit bigger than neons,neons have also been around alot longer and bred intensivly and many have become inbred and very sensitive, cardinals havent so are more releated to the more native wild ancestors and will not adjust to water conditions aswell. Thre also more expensive than neons as they are more popular. not sure about the cories
What is The difference between The neons and cardinals and The cories?
GBR's require a higher temp than most other tropicals, the sterbais like a warmer temp as do Cardinals... most corys prefer low temp's, not sure on neons.

GBR's should have a min temp of around 26c, best to have there temp at about 28... cardinals are fine at that temp, sterbai should be ok up to 28c.

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