How Importnant Is The Phosphate Test Kit?


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
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I've just set my marine tank up, not tested the water yet I got the ammonia,ph, nitriteand nitrate test kit but haven;t got a phosphate one

is that essential? if so I;ll go and get one tomorrow
Not right away. For corals its on of the most important though. Can also cause nasty algae. Just be careful when deefing frozen food de-frost and wash it properly
Not right away. For corals its on of the most important though. Can also cause nasty algae. Just be careful when deefing frozen food de-frost and wash it properly

cheers for that pal
Phosphate would be the first test kit I bought after your tank cycles as corals are very sensitive to it, then if your are going to keep LPS its best to add mag, cal and kh tests as well then you can spend your Sunday afternoons pretending to be a mad scientest with all the vials chemicals and syringes :)

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