how hot is ur tank????


New Member
Feb 29, 2004
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hi everybody,

my tank is recovering from ich (white spot) and ive been using the old method of upping the temp 2 85 0c and doing a 20% water change everyday, ive been doing this 4 the last 4 days so i think im getting there? plus ive spoke 2 a m8 that has a tropical tank and hes told me he has always kept his temp to 85, so basically he doesnt get ich again as its too hot!!

is this ok to keep the tank at this temp?? or do i turn it down when ive got rid of the ich? and lastly how long should i keep the water change up 4 ?

thanks again everybody :rolleyes:
The trouble with keeping a tank a high temp. is your fish die a lot quicker. The warmer the temp. the more faster the fish's metabolism and therefore the quicker they burn out. Not a wise solution. The question is not how do I eradicate ich, but it should be how do I prevent ich? Good fishkeeping husbandary and a healthy tank will keep ich at bay. Ich like many pathogens are opportunistic and only attack fish in a weakened state. There may be a number of reasons for this, but it all comes back to good fishkeeping habits.
How long should you keep up the water change?
It depends on the type of medication used. You could actually be causing Ich because you are stressing your fish with changing water every few days.
If you have a medium in your filtration system that absorbs meds, ie charcoal you don't need to change the water immediately, the charcoal will have absorbed the meds out of the water and the water should return back from the filter purified. A change would only be needed during the normal weekly water change.
Keeping it that high is not wise for the fish. Depending on the type of fish( some like/need high temps ie Discus, cardinal tetras) they either need lower temps or high temps. It has to do with body enzymes and denaturation if i've learned anything in university biology. The fish will not be able to function properly ie sluggish, heavy breathing if its not kept at its optimal ( with a slight deviance) temperature. Also at higher temps the amount of oxygen available in the water goes down which some fish can not handle.

so cranking the temp up real high is not a wise idea unless all the fish in the tank require it. Drastic temp. changes can also stress the fish so just be aware of that when and if you lower the temps in your recovering ich tank
I agree with everybody in here, I recently lost 4 fish because of high temp and frequent water changes due to ICH, they were recovering until I did a 25% water change which actually put a lot of stress especially for the fish I had which is pretty sensitive to changes(clown loach, pictus cat) and they end up dead... :(

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