How Hardy Are Peacock Gobies?


Fish Connoisseur
Apr 5, 2005
Reaction score
Southampton, uk
My Rio 240 is now fishless cycling and I am trying to plan the stocking order, factoring in territoriality, need to quarantine, online orders etc etc. The peacocks are the only ones I'm still stuck on. Would you say these need a very mature tank (6 months after cycling), a quite mature tank (say 2 or 3 months) or that they are hardy enough to go in a recently cycled tank?
I would give the tank a month or two, peacocks are fairly hardy, but they are also quite expensive and IMO if you can wait a while to get them, then wait. Better safe than sorry ;)
Cheers. That was the final bit of information I needed; now I think I've got the order sorted! :D

It's all very complicated, a bit like that puzzle set by professor Snape at the end of The Philosopher's Stone. Further complicated by the fact that some fish have to be ordered online, and ideally all ordered at once. But I think we're getting there.
they like plants , doesn't have to be fancy either .

What else are you putting with them ?
they like plants , doesn't have to be fancy either .

What else are you putting with them ?

Black-bellied limias, platies, pearl gouramis, possibly black neons at a later stage- and I thought maybe a pair of bristlenoses for the bottom (it being such a large tank).

The tank has got 5 pieces of bogwood; it will be heavily planted and supplied with a number of caves and hidey holes.

Do you think this sounds alright? My assumption is that the gouramis and the gobies won't really come into contact, and that there is enough room and that I will take care to break up the sight lines to avoid conflict between the gobies and the bristlies.

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