How Hardy Are Forntosas?


New Member
Jul 2, 2008
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i have recently bought a 300 litre aquarium to house some frontosas, finished adding the last few plants today and have just started adding coral sand to the water.
im wondering if frontosas will be hardy enough to survive in the tank for the first few weeks or should i get a different fish to get the cycle going?
another thing im wondering about is how much coral sand to add, is there a way of figuring out exactly how much to use or is the best way to just add it slowly and monitor the ph levels?
thanks alot
You would have much more success doing a fishless cycle, I doubt frontosa would survive a cycle and even if they did i'm sure it would leave them with long term problems

fishless cycling
You don't need to monitor ph levels as much. The sand will bring it up and frontosas like a high ph :)

:hi: to tff by the way :flowers: :D

Do a FISHLESS cycle​

It's a lot better for the fish. Would you like to get burned by ammonia and suffocated by nitrite? I wouldn't :crazy: :crazy:
I agree with the others that a fishless cycle is best. I did want to point out though that adult frontosa need a minimum 125gal (6ft) tank. If you are not able to upgrade when they reach around 5", I'd rethink getting them. :good:

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