How Hard Could It Be?...........really


New Member
Aug 4, 2006
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Hey guys,
Ive had tropical tanks in the past and enjoyed it imensely but now im looking to get another tank but im leaning towards a saltwater aquarium :/ how hard is it to manage am i taking on to much or is it realy not that bad -_- please reply and either fuel or stop my worry :)
cheers beer
I know a guy with an octopus.. he said once it is cycled and you have a filter of 20 cycles per hour it is alot less maintaince. :/ unless you hvae coral.. but us two ar enot experts.. go to the Marine section xD
Saltwater is not that much harder than freshwater. Depending on how complex the system you want will dictate how complex the system becomes, and thus how much work it is.

Essentially it is the same as FW, just you have to moniter the SG as well as ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH.

Just needs a little more reading up on before starting as it is generally less forgiving of mistakes.
Hope you have a thick wallet :lol: or a kidney you can sell

Have a look at this Post, althought it is directed at converting from FW to SW there is a lot of good info on it

Agreed. My tank is actually very low maintenance from a work standpoint. I water change once per week, run the glass cleaning magnet twice per week, monitor chemicals and thats about it. And I suppose the fish get fed too :). I spend way more time researching all the wonderous idfferent life forms that can go inside a saltwater tank. And lots of money to get them :crazy:
if you want to do whats right for your tank then saltwater will be very expensive so you better have some money ;), fresh is alot less expenive but still will force you to spend alot of money.
if you want to do whats right for your tank then saltwater will be very expensive so you better have some money ;), fresh is alot less expenive but still will force you to spend alot of money.
That's not strictly true. If you have a DIY eye then there are a number of savings. My SW tanks cost me about the same as my FW tanks for maintenance, and if you have set-up patience you can save a fortune on LR. With SW it' really just a trade off between money and patience.

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