How Gravid Do They Have To Be?


Apr 11, 2013
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I was just wondering, how gravid do corys have to be before they can spawn? Can a pretty slim cory (fed a few live foods for only a couple days) have a few eggs? Or do corys normally only spawn when they are very gravid? 
I've had corys for many years, but I am still learning more about them! :) 
Yeah, I do know how to condition corys and tell if they're gravid. Once or twice my corys have spawned only a few days after spawning. Do corys ever "hold back" eggs and spawn again a few days later, or do they normally lay all their eggs in one spawning (all in a matter of hours)? 
If they have spawned before and are paired, it would not be uncommon for them spawn regularly, even without encouragement (dropping temps, etc.).
Yes. A group/pairs won't spawn unless they are on conditioning foods, right? 
My cory's spawn every few days but only lay half a dozen eggs each at a time. With regards to conditioning I don't feed any special foods. I Have even lowered the temperature with no difference in behaviour and spawning.
DiddleBug said:
Yes. A group/pairs won't spawn unless they are on conditioning foods, right? 
If they have already spawned before and are paired up, they will not need conditioning, although dropping the temp and feeding heavier should help force them to spawn.  It is very tricky business really.  While some people have a knack at breeding, it is really their choice in the end.
I agree. A while back I had a group of 3 or 4 and they would keep surprising me with eggs randomly. I did get good at predicting though... :) I kind of got out of cories, but now I have them again. Right now I have a large female (probably 10 months to a year old) and 5 younger ones (probably 7+ months). Just waiting for their first spawn! :)
Another question: When corys spawn often, is it best to remove the eggs (even if you aren't keeping them)? Will corys get used to eating their eggs if you leave them?
Mine don't usually either, besides an occasional annoying male or something. But will corys eat their eggs if the eggs just sit there?  
Corys don't pair up, several males will chase the female until she chooses one to spawn with & it may not be the same one every time.
Once they start spawning they don't need to be specially conditioned as long as they're getting a good variety of food, then they'll spawn every week or so.
Some corys will eat their eggs others don't, for best chance of success raising fry remove either the parents or the eggs.
BiggTexx said:
Yes. A group/pairs won't spawn unless they are on conditioning foods, right?
If they have already spawned before and are paired up, they will not need conditioning, although dropping the temp and feeding heavier should help force them to spawn.  It is very tricky business really.  While some people have a knack at breeding, it is really their choice in the end.
I can't alter temp. Because I have Rams and Cardinals also breeding in the same tank.
You can do a colder water change though. It will lower the temp, but not for very long.
Sorry DB I should have mentioned that is what I do once a week. I was thinking of setting up a species tank so the temperature doesn't affect the Cardinals and Ramirezi. When the Cory spawn it's nearly always on the glass so I can't take them out of the tank.

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