How good is fish eyesight?


Oct 4, 2003
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i used to think they couldn't see much past the glass of the tank, that they could only see you if you're standing right next to the tank. lately though, i've noticed that my fishies can see me when i'm all the way across the room, several meters. i just find that amazing. so anyone know how well fish can see?
I am not sure how well each individual fish can see. But i know for a fact my bala's have excellent sight! They can see me coming from a mile away! (alright alright my house isn't that big, but it sure seems like they can see me that far away.)

and my cichlids can see me when I walk into the room cause they all huddle in the front of the glass and beg for food.

Oh and my betta at work can see me as soon as I walk into my office, cause he swims right up to the top of the tank cause he knows as soon as he sees me its time for breakfast!

i guess i should have specified. i was talking about my livebearers
I don't think you'll find a definite answer to your question, just peoples opinions. not like they can ask the fish hey can you see me now? (move back) can you see me now?

and on and on and on.
Predators have better central sight, but lower peripheral vision. Prey have peripheral sight that extends all around their bodies, but they have poor central vision.

I'd say that the fish can't quite discern who you are, though they should be able to tell taht some huge blob is moving past the tank. If you move closer, they should be able to see you better. They'll approach the glass for food, even if you are 5' away, I'd know! :D
I know that fish have such good eye sight, they can see the infered beams from your TV controllers and other things like that, that is why a laser light is harmless to fish and potentionaly dangerous to humans..

My platies and mollies have excellent vision! The TV is about 8 feet from the tank and from time to time they all crowd in the corner to watch along with us. Now, before someone says 'oh, they just see the lights and movement' I have to say that they can take or leave regular TV shows but they ALWAYS watch when a hockey game is on! :p Go Leafs Go!!! (hmmmm, good vision and smart!!! that's my babies!)

My cichlids can tell the difference between me and my sister,and we look alot alike,same hair color,etc. They see me and go nuts,they see her and hide. LOL Quite funny. :D My livebearers can see pretty good,but they don't seem to make the connection like the cichlids..They beg for food when the dog looks in the tank. :lol:
Not sure about the live bearers but I can tell you my oscar can easily see me from 40 feet away.
I think if your in the water and seeing from within the water you see pretty well through the glass. That relective view you see when looking through your tank may be to do with the fact your no looking from in the water.

My fish seem to see everything going on all over the room.
cAtFiSh- said:
my tank is in my bedroom and when ever i walk in there my fish go crazy. so yes they definately can see beyond the glass to some extent
lol, my fish tank is in my room and my fish just seem not to care whether i am in there or not, because they seem most active when i try going to sleep, the blady thing have good eyesight because they keep me awake by flicking the stones at the glass for no blinking reason!

well, if any of you are in the UK... try doing Test your Pet this week ;)
it's digital only I think though... theres a tv channel designed to see how "intelligent" our pets are and if they watch television by watching their reactions to a series of clips.

there are tests on their website as well... but there's only one test for fish

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