How fast does a Comon Pl*co grow?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 6, 2004
Reaction score
north east USA
Anyone have information on the growth rate of a common pl*co? I have a small one (under 4 inches) and I am concerned about how soon I will need to rehouse him? I just say him out of convenience, I am not really sure of the sex.
Estimations are helpful.
I already know a 30g is not adequate for his adult size, which is why I ask. I plan on getting a 150g one day, and would like to know how soon "one day" will be. :blink:
Thanks for your help.

p.s. this is US gallons
Depending on what you feed him he can grow very fast or quite slow. If you gave him lots of algae wafers/bloodworms/brine/flakes etc, he may get around 6-8 inches in a year. Then there is water conditions to quarrel about which is another factor altogether. So maybe some food stats, water paras, etc will help clarify you answer. :)
Personal experience:

We got two plecos a little over a year ago. They were both about 2 inches when we got them. The leopard pleco is now about 6-8inches long, but the common pleco is *well* over 12 inches long - a real beast.

We just moved them both out of the 30g into our new larger (105g) tank but I am thinking of taking the common pleco to LFS as he is just too too big and tends to harrass our turtle by trying to eat (non-existent) algae of his back.

Bear in mind that this growth rate occurred without us feeding any specific pleco food and in a tank that doesn't have much algae (none visible since we put them in there). I assume they eat some of the food we put in for the turtle since he eats a vegetarian diet (algae wafers, fruit and veg).

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