How Fast Does A Common Pleco Grow?


Fish Herder
Aug 17, 2006
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The reason I'm asking is because I am trying to ID my pleco. I've had it for a month or so now and it's only a couple inches long. It really has just gotten fatter not too much longer.
Common Plecos grow quite fast when starting off, although slow down when they reach to full size.
Some pics would be good, maybe then we could ID it.
Depends on a lot of things, but anything up to an inch a month. Mine went from less than 2" to 5-6" in about 2-3 months, but he's not grown as quick since, although he's still growing - that's for sure lol.

Should be around 10-12" within a year, obviously depends on what size he is now (and tank size, water quality, feeding etc).

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