How Fast Do..


New Member
Jan 22, 2007
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Central NJ
how fast do silver dollars grow. I've had mine for less than a year. i just cant think on the top of my head exactly when i got them. But when i got them they were pretty small about 2 inches or 1 1/2 inches. Now they are only about 2.5 or 3ish. They are in a 30 gallon. I feed them everday with mix foods. one day i'll feed them spirulina flakes with some tropical flakes. and one day ill feed them lettuce. But it seems like its taking so long for them to grow to a decent size. Am i just expecting too much for these fish. Anyone who has expericne with these fish could help please, how long does it take to grow a decent size?, what can i do to boost it? and Thanks
sounds like mine! got em at about the size of a old five pence, and in three months, they must have got to 2 and 1/2. from then they tended to grow thicker in the body but not put on too much size. now twelve months down the line they are about 3 to 3 and 1/2 inch. though they are an herbivore, they seem to love anything that goes in the tank, bloodworm being a great fav.
mine seem to be doing that a little but not a lot. They are pretty tall and fat i guess but not much length.

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