How Fast Clown Loaches Grow?


New Member
Jan 23, 2007
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I know they are slow growers. But anyways - I have 7 clowns about 2-3" long. Those, who have had them for a while - how big they'll be in a year for example?
i've heard that they grow to about 5-6 inches in year and eventually up to 16 inches
wow... that sounds pretty inaccurate, sorry but Clown loaches get to be a max of 8-10" an aquarium, usually they grow about 2" per year, I've had my clown loach for about 7months now and he hasn't grown much, mabye 1/2 an inch if that... hope that helps
wow... that sounds pretty inaccurate, sorry but Clown loaches get to be a max of 8-10" an aquarium,

:no: Clowns can and will given the space grow over 12" in an aquarium, I have seen many tank raised fish in excess of 12" and upto 14".

Given the right conditions when young they can grow up to 2" in a year, obviously the larger they get they slow down growing length wise and start filling out.
wow... that sounds pretty inaccurate, sorry but Clown loaches get to be a max of 8-10" an aquarium,

:no: Clowns can and will given the space grow over 12" in an aquarium, I have seen many tank raised fish in excess of 12" and upto 14".

Given the right conditions when young they can grow up to 2" in a year, obviously the larger they get they slow down growing length wise and start filling out.

I agree. I got some new clowns about 4 months ago and they have already doubled in size. They are about 1.5" and are now around 3" :good:
they slow down growing length wise and start filling out.

does this mean that clown loaches that start to "fill out" at like 2/3 inches are in a tank that's too small for them?

It could but probably not, my Clowns are currently in a 75 gallon tank waiting to be moved into their own 205 gallon tank and I have noticed that recentley that their growth legth wise has slowed and they have become more chunky. I suppose though that there is always a combination of filling out and length wise growth or they would end up looking like Kuhli's :lol:

What size tank are they in and how many of them do you have ?
they slow down growing length wise and start filling out.

does this mean that clown loaches that start to "fill out" at like 2/3 inches are in a tank that's too small for them?

It could but probably not, my Clowns are currently in a 75 gallon tank waiting to be moved into their own 205 gallon tank and I have noticed that recentley that their growth legth wise has slowed and they have become more chunky. I suppose though that there is always a combination of filling out and length wise growth or they would end up looking like Kuhli's :lol:

What size tank are they in and how many of them do you have ?

I have 7 loaches, my tank is 500 L (132 US gallons). They share the tank with 15 tiger barbs and 6 blu gouramies.
I have peat in filter since ph and gh of my tap water is too high. Thanks to peat I have PH ca 7,5 and GH 12. I'm still worried about ph fluctuations when I do water changes.

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