How Does Your Water....


New Member
Apr 7, 2007
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I got my fish tank in January, ect....My levels are ok, got some algae, but mostly the water looks a bit yellowish to me. Is this how it's suppose to look or is your water bright like tap water? :unsure:
healthy water should look nice and clean, when was your last water change, when do you do your water changes, how big is your tank, and what fish do you have in it?
hi, my tank is relatively new aswel, my water also has a slight yellow tinge to it. its proberbly natural from all the waste that build up.
healthy water should look nice and clean, when was your last water change, when do you do your water changes, how big is your tank, and what fish do you have in it?
My tank is 180l, I've got 4 catfish, 2 silver dollars, 3 angles, 3 gouramies, and 8 small fish(don't know their names yet! :blush: black tetras?)....I change the water every week, but feed them every day, I rinse the filter material 1-2 weeks....But I got a new log when I started my tank...maybe this is part of the problem? I so want a cristle clear tank :rolleyes:
more than likely the log and the 4 catfish, do you know what species of catfish they are? did you soak the log before adding it to the tank?
I rinse the filter material 1-2 weeks
Only rinse the filter in old tank water or dechlorinated water and do it each time you do a water change. If you rinse them under the tap, the chlorine can kill your bacteria.

The wood is most likely the cause of your yellow water. It is leeching tannins and it could take months for it to quit. You can do water changes to keep it as clear as possible.

On another note, if you don't already know what species the catfish are, you need to find out along with the other small fish. Some catfish get very large and could also eat your other fish. You could be terribly overstocked depending on the species.

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