how does this sound?


Oct 9, 2003
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what are your ideas on these type of fish and the amount for my 46g

4 pandacorys
1 peppered cory
4 platies
3 otos
5 rummynose
2 angels

could i add more?
how does this sound?


First, check your tap-water (pH, GH and KH) including aquarium too. Tell us those values and someone can give you better opinion.

4 pandacorys
1 peppered cory

Few more peppered cories (if water is good).

4 platies

Like you probably already know, platies are fishes that live in harder/basic water than soft/acidic like your other fishes do.

3 otos

Ottos (Otocinclus sp.) are shoal fishes. They also should be kept little bit cooler water, about 22-24 C (range 20-25/26C). If water is warmer, they may die and they live shorter time. And because you have angels that prefer warmer water, it's not a good combination.
Corys, Platies and angels dependant on type sound fine. Otos will outgrow the tank, especially when the angels grow, and grow and grow.
Mr V is right however, before you put in any fish you need to know your water perameters.
i dont have the test kits, but i know for a fact that arizona water is hard. for ph, its 7.8 in tap water, but in my tanks its around 7.6

ive read that otos wont grow more than 2 inches......i dont think they would outgrow the tank.

i dont think parameters matter that much... since the store gets them and puts them in this water, im keeping them in the same water. theyve probably been breed so much in this water they have gotten use to it.
Soft water fishes last better harder water (than hard water fishes soft water). If it's not important to keep them in right water, tests are useless and we don't need to buy them either. Some specieses last better ranges soft-hard, than others.

Hardness, or better said conductivity affects fish physiology. It's not the same thing to keep fish in soft water than keep it in hard water. Fish cells are forced to battle against different osmotic pressure. When fish needs energy to survive in wrong water, they usually become sick easily and are often sick.

If you want to breed your fishes, water must be excellent for species or e.g. eggs don't hatch.

since the store gets them and puts them in this water, im keeping them in the same water. theyve probably been breed so much in this water they have gotten use to it.

Now you forget it totally, that some specieses stand better higher range in water values, some not. Also fishes are used to specific water values in nature during thousends of years, so just keeping them in different kind of water doesn't help them to be used to new environment.

Some basic book of fish physiology and osmotic pressure could be very helpful to understand differences in water(s). It's not just water where fishes live.

ive read that otos wont grow more than 2 inches......

Yes Ottos are small ones...
Dragonslair said:
Otos will outgrow the tank, especially when the angels grow, and grow and grow.

Yeah, I can see how a less than 2" oto will outgrow a 46gallon tank.

I don' think you should have just one peppered cory, also these like the otos need cooler water. I keep peppereds in my coldwater tank as they like 59F-77F. You may have a lot of platy fry soon if you don't get all one sex and if you want fry, then remember 2 females to each male is a good ratio.

Otos also do better in a tank with plants.
ive also read many times that its better not to alter ph and stuff like that because its harder for the fish to deal with altered ph if it keeps changing, then to just keep it the same.

also with the temp, its hard for me since its really hot in arizona, the lowest i can keep it during the summer is 82, but this year im planning on adding a fan to cool it down.
panboy said:
ive also read many times that its better not to alter ph and stuff like that because its harder for the fish to deal with altered ph if it keeps changing, then to just keep it the same.

also with the temp, its hard for me since its really hot in arizona, the lowest i can keep it during the summer is 82, but this year im planning on adding a fan to cool it down.
In that case I would not recomend any cories or otos because of them needing cooler water.

Yes, you are right about the ph. It is better IMO/IME for it to be constant than the actual value and most fish can adapt to reasonable ph levels.

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