How Does The Live Rock At The Lfs Stay Cured?


Dec 21, 2006
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Derbyshire, United Kingdom
as above if there is nothing in the vat that it is kept in and it just gets good flow, then how does it stay cured? do they add ammonia or what?
I thought they filtered their tank water through it... they do this at the LFS i go to
they could do but surely when some is bought, they may experience a spike due to the lack of bacteria? and thir tanks are normally fed of sumps (well the 2 i go to)
I thought they filtered their tank water through it... they do this at the LFS i go to

Flow, heat and the die off keeps the lr alive - if kept for a while it will obviously become fully cured and then yes, they will need to feed it - most would use flake food or the like :good:

Seffie x

Turnover. An LFS is constantly buying rock and constantly curing it, thus keeping it alive.

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