How Does She Know?


***Corydora Crazy***
Jul 4, 2009
Reaction score
Bristol UK
Hi all

Well snowy was trying to sunbathe today,but abby just won't leave him alone,she guards him and rounds him up if he goes into the garden,due to snowy being anaemic and on daily pills we don't let him out on his i suppose its good in one sense has she does warn us if he ventures out!

But how does she know hes not allowed out on his own ??

Here's pics of her standing guard then trying to get him off the table to get him back in :lol:

Im just going to have a wild guess and say you have had this pair for what least a few years depending on how old they are obviously...

when my parents had me, not long after they bought both a cat and a dog, and throughout my childhood there are instance such as the dog laying on me and the cat on the dog, they wre like this till my parents split when i was age 6 and after 10 more years passed, the dog unfortunatly passed away, obviously unbeknown to the cat, then within the next week the cat needed to be put down as it had suddenly taken a horrific turn for the worst.

seeing things like this reminds me of how different species especially cats and dogs form such a bond over time, so i would put malawi cichlids, pirahana and guppys in a tank to make them friends... joke

but on a serious note its just obviously a bond they have formed, they always say animals can sense your true mood, maybe they are just the same between themselves!!
We've had snowy for 14 yrs and abby for 4 years since a pup,so she's grown up with him,even though they don't see eye to eye and snowy will only take so much of her 'rounding' him up :lol:

Abby won't eat unless snowy has his first,it was quite difficult when snowy had to stay at the vets due to his blood count being low,abby wouldn't eat her meat!! :rolleyes:
I second that nomination!!! Cat's have a good bond with their owner *cough* servant! When i'm upset my cat comes ad lays on me and hugs me and kisses me!

Alessa x.
thats very cute :) my dog and cats are just like it, so sweet :)

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