How does flourish work and how do my plants look?


Fish Crazy
Oct 8, 2020
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Fresno California
If anybody forgot last I planted my gold ribbon plant in then took it out because it was a semi aquatic. Now I added three plants in
Now I was wondering do they look like they’ve been planted correctly. I have seachem flourish was wondering if I had too add some in.
Hi! It looks like the Anubias is buried too far in the substrate. That will eventually kill the plant, I did that with my first Anubias. You want the rhizome to set just above the substrate, which looks like sand in your photos. The rhizome is the green bit kinda between the stems and the roots. I don't really know how to explain it, but if you need I can post a photo of what mine looks like.
Hi! It looks like the Anubias is buried too far in the substrate. That will eventually kill the plant, I did that with my first Anubias. You want the rhizome to set just above the substrate, which looks like sand in your photos. The rhizome is the green bit kinda between the stems and the roots. I don't really know how to explain it, but if you need I can post a photo of what mine looks like.
Ok thx
Also, if you ever wanted more plants, you can find them cheap online, like Ebay. I got 13 amazon sword plants for my 55 gallon for $27. The plants were between 2 inches and 9 inches and each had between 4 and 9 nice size leaves
A lot better! I would pull that darker one in the very center up just a littleeeeee more, if you can
I think it encourages plant growth, but you also want a good aquarium light with it, and I think Flourish Excel can encourage healthier growth. I use flourish and flourish excel in my tanks, but I am still trying to figure out how to grow my plants. I don't reallyyyyy know much about it though
Do you know how flourish works what does it do?
Seachem Flourish liquid will provide fertilization for your Anubias since they feed from the water column. For the Amazon sword you'll need root tabs buried in the sand as sand has no nutrients. I would stay away from liquid carbon (Excel) since it contains glutaraldehyde. Just use either Flourish or Flourish Comprehensive.

Seachem Flourish liquid will provide fertilization for your Anubias since they feed from the water column. For the Amazon sword you'll need root tabs buried in the sand as sand has no nutrients. I would stay away from liquid carbon (Excel) since it contains glutaraldehyde. Just use either Flourish or Flourish Comprehensive.
How do the root tabs work
Anubias are better grown attached to decor rather than with the roots in the substrate. They have a rhizome, the thick root like thing which the leaves grow out of, and this rots if it gets covered. While it is possible to plant just the thin hair like roots with the rhizome on top of the substrate it would be all to easy to accidentally cover it. Mine are attached to wood.
Your photos show the rhizome still buried.

Some plants are root feeders, some are leaf feeders.
Amazon swords are greedy root feeders so they need roots tabs pushed into the substrate near the roots, and new ones put in at intervals. The instructions will tell you how often.
Anubias are slow growing leaf feeders. They need tiny amounts of liquid fertiliser, a lot less than the instructions say to use.

Flourish Excel is a liquid CO2 product which contains a toxic chemical - glutaraldehyde. This is also used to sterilise heat sensitive medical equipment and in embalming fluid, amongst other uses. Even a tiny overdose can kill some plants and it is not really the best thing to add to a tank with fish.

Some fertilisers are better than others. None of them contain everything plants need but some brands contain more than others.
The most highly recommend liquid fertilisers are Seachem Flourish Comprehensive Supplement, Brightwell FlorinMulti (in the US) and TNC Lite (in the UK).
Some root tabs release nutrients into the water column so those are best avoided. Again, Seachem Flourish root tabs are usually the recommended one.

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