How Do You Sex Red Danios?


New Member
Dec 3, 2006
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I have three danios and i was wondering how to sex them. I was also wondering if anyone knew if it was hard to breed danios.
ive never dbred them before but i think they are easy to breed but hard to keep the fry because the parents hunt for the eggs.
I had danios spawn once... they are egg scatterers... the parents will eat the eggs though soon after they're laid.. so if you don't remove the parents in time the eggs will be eaten.
I take it by red danio you mean glofish?

This is taken from the Glofish website

How can I distinguish between males and females?
Males GloFish® fluorescent zebra fish are longer and more slender around the stomach, while females have a rounded, whitish looking stomach, and carry unfertilized eggs upon reaching maturity.
Hi all

I dont know if we are talking about the same fish but its called the Flouresent Danio and its pinkish red in color.

Dont know if you guys know this but this fish bright color is not natural its caused by the fish being injected by a hormone found in some reef corals.If you do get them to breed the babies will be normal standard danio colors.
not true. Only the origional fish were injected. The fish we get now are not messed with. The fry are not the normal color. They added a gene to an egg, not a hormone. It is permanent.

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