How Do You Plant Inside Your Own Fish Tank


Fish Fanatic
Nov 9, 2005
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*sigh* I know I look silly again. But still I just wonder how to plant plants inside my own fish tank without fish keep pulling my hair on my hands as well as tickle me all way until my hands above water surface...

Wear a pair of gloves? But seems it's hard to hold anything and as well as to plant inside water....

Could anybody share some ideas with this newbie (me) ? :huh:
I can't say this happens to me often! But I suggest getting a pair of nitrile or latex gloves. Make sure they are powder free!

If you get the right size, they act almost as a second skin. I have nitrile gloves as they are very tough, and will be using them for marine tank maintenance

Here they are here...
I don't think there is anyway to prevent them from attacking your hand. My fish try to eat my freckles. Gloves might work. Other than that... I have no other ideas though.
emo, thanks :) that gloves sounds superb, but mainly they like to pick hairs on my forearm and thinking hair= worms....:( Though still will try to look for that gloves you told me :) All of my danio seems really like to 'taste' anything that enter below water surface...

canoechiq, thanks for reply. How you cope with them when you are arranging something/ planting inside your tank(/s)? I kind of like them to 'feel' me but not like when I want to do something like planting and putting stones.... :(
I don't know if they are just used to it, or scared, but when 2 hands are in the tank (or my scissors) they stay far away. I don't move too much around anymore, but I still get them 'playing with me' when i'm scrubbing the glass. My fish are all small, so it's not a huge deal. Basically, if I'm making lots of movements and distupting the water a lot, they stay away.

Maybe you could feed them when you are about to do work. Use a feeding ring - cut the centre out of a margerine tub lid and only put food in there. That way they stay localized.
thanks for both of your inputs, I guess I've got some ideas off both of you:) Will try out feeding them and localized where food being given.

I were making lots of movements and distupting the water a lot, and that seems even attract them towards my hand...So I just stop that method
You shouldn't mess with the plants too much or else they will never grow. Try going on a weekly maintenance schedule and only touch the plants once a week. Unless something is extremely wrong with the plants, I would just let them grow and then rearrange them.
IovaykInD, 4 small pots of anubias are the only plants inside my tank, never did move/remove them since they are planted inside the tank (they has been in tank before fish were added)... Though yesterday I bought 2 small pots of Ceratophyllum demersum(?) and a pot of Egeria densa. They are dipping in "snail stop" inside a basin before they go inside my fish tank. Just don't know how much longer I should wait before planting those new plants... and worrying about fish pickings on me again... well maybe I will plant them 16 hours later...

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