How Do You No If The Fish Is Sleeping


Fish Crazy
Sep 29, 2007
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over the past hour my lil baby snape (a blackmoor fish) has become a lot less active than it has been during the day an i was just wundering if was sleeping or if somethings wrong i dont think i can beatr to loose this fish please help
Most fish will rest :) just give it time, if its still this way tomorrow, let us know.
when sleeping i think they half shutdown so if theres danger they can be up and about quicky, does his breatheing rate seem faster/slower?
errr its ok now thanks but theres a anorther real bad prob it seems to be having trouble swiiming like going on its side and on its back
that sounds like a swimbladder problem, the swimbladder helps the fish keep balance, does he seem bloated in anyway?
The swimming problems sound like swim bladder disease. Unfortunately fancy goldfish are quite prone to this. Sometimes fasting your fish for a day then feeding it a pea the next day can help (defrost a frozen unsalted pea, squeeze it out of the skin, mush it up and feed a little to your fish).
What are you feeding your fish at the moment? If you are feeding pellets you should soak them in water outside of the tank for a bit before feeding them to your fish.

The quality of the water is also likely to be causing the fish problems. I read in the other link the fish was a present and you just have it in a small tank at the moment. Doing regular water changes is vital. How big is the tank? If you don't know how much water it holds, just post the measurements of the tank and someone will figure it out for you. How much water are you changing and how often at the moment?
erm im not sure about tank measuremenrs but will find out asap i am changin the water 3 times a day an about 2 3rds of the water i have been feeding it goldfish flake food (recomended by the pet store person). i cant see him much but there dose look like a bit at his rear end by his tail i8 sould be gettin a tank this week end sometimes he looks like he is stuggling 2 swim an gose face first down an cant get back up or swims on his side i am really worried about him please help. S i dont feed him for about 24 hours then give him the mush out the pae what do i do just put it in the tank or doi boil it or someting.
Can you measure the tank with a ruler and post the height, length and depth.

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