How Do You Name Your Bettas?


Feb 16, 2006
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Hill-billy dumping ground, NY
I saw a topic like this on another forum and thought it was a cute idea. How do you guys decide of names for your bettas?? :D

The Boys:

Alex - my first betta was named after my favorite racehore Afleet Alex.

Loki - I named him based on his coloring, he was a deep red, with black tips on his fins, kind of devilish. Loki is a biblical name meaning "child of satan"

Damien: Another name that roughly translates into "child of the devil" He was purchased right after Loki and I kind of wanted to keep the theme going.

Gabriel: Was named after a biblical fallen angel, He was the last of my biblical named fishies

Oliver (Ollie): Simply, my boyfriend named him after his pet cat.

Austin: As in austin powers, hes a lot of funny to watch, kind of a cooky personality.

Sherbert: Originally named miracle, but after getting to know him and seeing his true colors I decided to change the name to sherbert. Hes, dark pink, white and orange, looks just like rainbow sherbert.

Shiloh: He seemed very timid when I got him, always hid behind things, so I thought shiloh just fit his personality

Rascal: Is as his name implies a little rascal. He flares at anyone and anything, hes just as all around menace, but I love him to death.

Orion: Honestly, I just liked the name, lol :D

The Girls:

Mercury: When I first got her she wouldn't stop following the floating thermometer around the tank. So we named her mercury after the substance inside thermometers.

Mystique (Misty): named after the X-men villian. Misty was almost white when I got her with very soft, misty blue fins.

Celeste and Luna: Celeste is very dark with dark purple fins, white lunas almost pure white. I got them on the same day from 2 different wal*marts. So I tried to think of names representing dark vs. light.

Lilly: Shes marbled and looks like she was playing in the mud on her face. So I named her after Lil, from the rugrats.

Storm: Her bodies a turquoise blue, while her head is marbled white and black, she looks kind of like a blue sky, with the storm moving in on the horizon.

April: Shes a very pastel green, like the color of early spring grass.
Probably my most interesting betta name is Mimpi. I saw him at the department store when I was doing my shopping and really liked him, but didn't want to bring home another fish. That night I had a dream that I went back and bought him so that's just what I did - went back and bought him! I named him Mimpi because it means dream in Indonesian.

I also have a girl named Apostrophe because she's little and she curls all the time. :wub:
All mine got their names for reasons I no longer remember. :lol: I mean, whatever made me name Teelie Teelie! Ollie I really cannot remember why at all. Squidge was named that because she....ummmmm, oh I don't remember. :*)
Mystery got his name becase that what he was. Twilight because his colour is that wonderful blue you get on an evening sky in summertime. Curly got his name because alot of his fins curl at the edges. Vanity because she thought so highly of herself for the first month she was here. And she is a very pretty girl. Feegle because I was reading one of Terry Pratchetts books with the Nac Mac Feegles in and they live on the chalk which is made up of the bones of the sea covered in grass. He's white and green. And a bit daft. So it fitted him nicely. :wub:

Angel is just a little miracle... he was a rescue, and he's so pretty and sweet. :)

Daemerung means twilight in German. He's a blue betta that looks different shades depending on how the light hits him.

Diamond is a celophane and he's just cute. His full name is Diamond Butterfly Rumpkins. He has a butterfly pattern on his fins, and my fiance added the Rumpkins part. Don't ask me where that came from. :p

Koenig means King in German. The rays on his anal fin are extended a bit, so I thought he might have a bit of crowntail in him.

My first betta ever was a lavender one named Amethyst. That's february's birthstone, and it's purple.

I also had one named Sakana, which is Japanese for fish. :D


Bloo is a blue betta. I named her after Bloo on the cartoon "Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends."

Ariel is for the main character on "The Little Mermaid."

Lawan is Thai for beautiful.

Diva is purple and a little show off.

Princess is a crowntail.

My first girl just died. Her name was Baby, because she just looked so tiny. When I got my other girls, though, she ended up being the biggest, but I kept the name anyways, because I thought it was funny. :)
George = 'my' male VT betta, was named by my boyfriend, since he was originally Damien's fish... He got a 30 gallon for his birthday, and decided he wanted to have Oscars instead, so since by then I was feeding george and stuff anyways, he basically became mine.

Tucker = My male Pleko that got put in the 30 gallon when damien used tax refund money to buy a 55 gallon XD named because Tucker rhymes with Sucker, and he's a 'sucker' fish. ^_^

Flame = Named for her georgous fins, which are a rich burnt orange/light red color.

Nipper = Named for her anal fin which has a nipped looking spot out of it, plus the fact that she became the dominant one by nipping at Flame.

Ghost = Small pleko in the girls tank, named so because he spends practically ALL of his time -in- the tank ornament... I have seen him come out once.

Piggy = Large Apple snail, that previously was un-named, but became named piggy when he ate four shrimp pellets, then tried to chew a chunk off of my Java fern. He got moved to a tank without any live plants yet, though I've got a bulb thing in it.

Shyne = small black mystery snail thats in the tank with George and Tucker, named because he seems fairly shy.
hehe Well, I will only go with my fave bettas, though I do name almost all fish in the spawn that stand out, once they are close to juvie age:

Voodoo - He is spooky, v my lovely boy is ery sleek and foxy, it just suited him
Mojo - similar theme, his spawn sibling (I tend to name spawns sibs similar names, I'm a geek)

Mooney (aka Moonlight) - he is just a gorgeous OHM, so shiney. He suits Mooney best as he is super passive, he's incredibly cute:)
Luna - again, spawn sib following the theme

Baby Voodoo - you guessed it
Aqua - self-explanatory

Neggy (aka Nasty, nasty girl, and nessie) - My husband originall called her nasty girl because she would not fit in the sorority. But we didn't like it so her name sort of morphed, lol.

A couple new names:

Spotlight - 5 year old named him, becuase he is bright red including face, but a butterfly. I think she meant stoplight, but what they hay.
Frizzle and Frazzle - similar, with very flowly ct fins, Frazzle has the LONGEST ventrals nearly 2"
Flutter, Flutter 2: two sisters, just looked like cute little fluttering babies
Koosh: 12 year old named cause he thinks she looks like a 'kooshball', those spikey haki-sac things.
Ombre: its a good descption because of hsi line, ombre means a variation and blending of color
Timex: takes a licking and keeps on ticking, only one wot survive a shipment:(

We have all kinds of crazy names, mainly because of the kids. My daughter pics the cutest names, like Rockstar, Rocket, babylay, ladybay. etc etc
My first betta was Banana's Wharf. I did not name him but got him from a friend who was French and learning English and she loved those words so much she named him after them. Then came DW Washburn which is a song by the Monkees that I loved. Then Wraith who is a black/red/metallic blue butterfly whose loooong fins reminded me of The Lord of the Rings ring wraiths so that's how he got his name. Then Samson who lost his fins for some reason and right after that got sick and almost died just like Samson in the Bible who got weak after having his head shaved (p.s. bettabum, Gabriel in the Bible wasn't a fallen angel, just a regular ol' angel. He was the one who went to Daniel when he prayed and who told Mary she would birth Jesus). Then I got Pewter who is named for his silver/lavendar color. Then there came Mambo who was also named for his color because he reminds me of a flamenco dancer with his turquoise and red and his best pal (they have tanks on our fireplace mantels - bookends!) we named Tango to go with him (he's the one to the left). Lastly I got Leo who became my sixth betta to have at one time and the chinese word for six is Leo. And that's all for now. :)
Sebastian got his name after Johann Sebastian Bach, and also after the crab in the Little Mermaid! It took me a day and a half to come up with his name, and finally it fit! :D
Angie, my female betta - named after Angie Dickinson from the movie, Big Bad Mama. Appropriate because I found out how very aggressive she was when I tried to start a sorority tank with her.
Mugen was named after an anime called Samurai Champloo. He has a very defiant attitude.

Karl was very nervous when I first got him and didn't like anyone coming near his tank, so I picked a very nervous sounding name.

Dot got her name because when she was a baby, she had little polka dots all over her.

Stella is the reverse of the night, white with black underscales, which is why I named her after the sky.

Hagi got his name because he is very independent and confident.. for a fish. :) Named after a character in Blood+

Falkor was named after the dragon from Neverending Story because he is a white copper with very faint blue marbling. He looks a lot like the actual thing!

Aristotle was a Petco save and is very old. He looks a little haggard, so I picked his name to show the wisdom he must have gained through his age. He is also a little eccentric. :)

.. and last but not least! Willard, who got his name because he is a very sweet, friendly fish. The name just sounded conservative and lighthearted to me.
Ones that have died:

Teenage Mutant Ninja Betta (Ninja): Don't ask me why I named him that, I just felt like being weird.

Betta Than You (Betta): Again, just cuz I wanted to be weird. Plus he was gorgeous and acted like he was just so cool.

Tie-Dye (Tie): His body was white and had pretty purple fins that looked tie-dyed.

Donatello (Don): My ex-boyfriend's (boyfriend at the time) idea to name two of my bettas after the Ninja Turtles.

Current bettas:

Hawaii: Because he's bright yellow and reminded me of a bright sun on a beach in Hawaii.

Crayola (Cray-Cray): He's bright blue like a Crayola crayon. :D

Leonardo (Leo): Another Ninja Turtle betta. ;) Plus he's a CT so his fins look sort of like a lion's mane.

Benito (Bennie): Italian name that means "blessed." He survived when the two other boys in the divided tank died from a mishap of mine. :(

Fable: Little boy from Kylie (BettaBum)... I don't know why she named him that but it's cute. ^_^

Flo: My LOOOOOOONG awaited red VT that I am acclimating as I type this. I have always wanted a bright red VT but could never find one. The guy at the pet store myseriously wrote something on the baggie that I thought said "flo"... until a little later I realized it was "f10" as in "fish 10." I'm an inner blonde, I know (no offense to any blondes here, lol). It suits him well even though I knoooow it's technically a girl's name... just don't tell my little macho man that. ;)

Edana: Little CT from WalMart... it's Celtic for "little flame." She's white with red fins and stayed alive and well even though she was at WalMart in dirty water for a looong time. Plus she's the smallest one in the sorority tank (1/2 the size of the others) and yet flares at them sometimes and holds her own very well. :wub:

I have four other girls in the sorority tank as well but I don't have names for them yet...
Ok, I'll do this too, though I will show my ubernerdiness in doing so. :nerd:

I only have boys and all are named after characters from Wagner's ring Cycle, a series of 4 operas.

Fasolt- Blue HM betta, named after a giant in Wagner's ring cycle. He was part of a divided betta community and shared my 15g with another HM Fafner, who died. Fasolt is my eldest betta and had a tail-biting problem which he overcame. He's not a very big betta but he was a giant among my bridget rasboras, so I picked giant names. I promise the next 9 will not be so long! :crazy:

Loge-God of fire. He's a red CT.

Froh-God of Spring. Marble CT.

Donner-God of Rain and Thunder. Blue/Black CT.

Siegmund-mortal hero who dies. Multicolored Marble VT.

Siegfried-Siegmund's sun, also dies (good guy). Blue/White Marble VT.

Gunther-Villian from final opera, very flashy and prissy. Light orange VT with long fins.

Alberich-little dwarfish Niebelungen. Little meany. Perfect for one of Synirr's plakats with a gimpy gill.

Mime-Alberich's Niebelungen brother. Another meany but not so mean. One of Synirr's non-gimpy plakats.

Hunding-Hunter in the 2nd opera, big meany. Perfect for a wild-colored plakat with attitude.

Still looking for a Wotan, but that has to be a special, special betta. I feel I've done this already. I enjoy bettas and after I get Wotan, we'll move on to Silmarillion characters. Now, that's going to be a lot of fish. :crazy:
Siam -- Pretty self explanitory, eh? :shifty:

Fuse -- Came from Kara with that name, pretty sure it's because of his Fuse fin. ^_^

Kale -- Wanted my babies from Maui & Kula to have hawaiian names. Almost named him "Bane" (Which means "Long Awaited Child".. COMPLETELY fits him) But I didn't like the sound of it. >.< Kale apparently means "Strong and Manly," which is exactly how he thinks of himself. xP

Akela -- Another Hawaiian name, but I can't remember what it means. *hides* :look:

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