how do you know


New Member
Aug 31, 2003
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las vegas nv
:D hi i'm gurly i wanted to know when fry are sexually mature and when you can tell if their male or female i dont want my babies havin babies thats to many!! thier only about to weeks old right now, but sometimes i see them nipping at each others anal fins and floatin behind them(they could just be runing into each other cause their kinda skiddish but i just want to make sure. please if you know tell me :D thanx
I don't know if it makes a difference, but what kind of fry are they?

I figure that if you know how to tell the adults, it is the same for babies. I have 12 molly fry all born in the last two weeks, and they are all female. LUCKY ME!!! That means I just have to seperate dad from moms and daughters and I can keep a bunch of fishies without having to have babies except when i want them. :)

I'm still a newbie, so I'm sure someone will come along and give you the correct answer soon. ;)
Firstly the difference in fry makes a difference...for example some betta fry can be sexually mature at the age of 5 weeks while some guppy fry (female) at around 3 months while males somewhat sooner. ;) What fish are you interested in?
i do beileve their a cross between platy and mollie. thats becuse i have 2 platys and one mollie the rest are gold fish. my mollies the one who gave birth i hope that helps you answer my question :nod:

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