How Do You Keep Track Of Fry?


Starting again
May 17, 2009
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Bournemouth, UK
How do you guys do it? I am first time pygmy cory mum, found a blatantly dead one that wasnt moving, tried being as gentle as can with them in terms of water changes etc but tbh it doesnt look like 20+ fry in there at the moment :crazy: Kind of worried I am missing something or worst they are all dying and I cant see them...

I have a 5gallon to be setting up, should I get it heated up tonight and attempt to transfer them tomorrow for a recount?

Sorry for all my really stupid questions :blush:

p.s. the tank itself has sand which they blend to, two moss balls and little foliage, I gently move things around to see but cant see them! Worried might rummage too much and do more harm then good (this is a big learning curve for me)
How do you keep track of fry,

One starts off with small spawns like your self and counts every time you go near the tank, i know I did. with bigger spawns you tend to give up after 50 or so :lol:
With them being so small you'll always miss count, also you will always loose some fry along the way. I dare say it happens to all of us.

Personally I would leave them where they are and, make sure when doing water changes that the new water is the same temp as your tank water.

Once they start growing a bit bigger they are much easier to find and count.
Thanks Strontiumdog - hmm my last count was about 5? :lol: Really have not the knack to count them, hopefully it will get easier as I get used to them :blink:

Oh and shall do! And shall try not to antagonise them too much
The main thing is, if it all goes wrong. Don't give up, next time it will be esier, because you know a bit more.

First few times are always the hardest and thats when the most questions are asked, it'll all click in place soon.
Thanks so much for the understanding! I think becsause the other cories breed the night I got them there was no preparation and they all ended up dying so quite scared this time :lol: Also as they are tiny, I am over asking everything! Thank you x
I know exactly what strontium dog means :lol: ,
i try to count but i give up in the end,you could be there all evening trying to count them :lol:

My fry are small,but pygmy fry,well i'd need my glasses and a magnifying glass to see them :rolleyes:
Glad it isnt just me, my partner thinks most are hiding out IN the moss ball.. :blink: I will just have to wait and see (quietly fretting away :lol: )I usually have good eyesight (hmmmm..magnifying glass is a good idea). Feeding wise, feeding before work, as soon as in work after quick water change - which is water from a mature tank same temp and then feed before bed).
Well it isnt my lucky day. Tank is completely empty excpet for one body found and one found but couldnt tell and then it disappeaerd not to be found. Pulled out everything and stirred to see but no movement. Have just one fry left in the pygmy adult tank that keeping in a net and dropping the food in for, three eggs awaiting development and one egg just about found now that looks matured. I really hope they spaen again for another go (or perhaps my bigger cories will try again now that I am more prepared now..nudge nudge).
so sorry you lost your fry :( lets hope the eggs hatch for you. fingers crossed for them :good:
Sorry to hear it's not gone well, but please dont give up just yet.

If the've spawn twice? is that right. Well they are happy where they are and very likley to spawn again.

Two ways i've use to collect the eggs have been, second being easier for me.

1: Small tank with sponge filter, heater, air stone and clean water. Transfer the eggs straight to small tank, either by rolling them on to your finger (give them about 10-15 mins to harden up, you'll squash less) then direct the sides of the new tank set up or if on plants remove them and place in the hatching tank.

2: Small tank with sponge filter, heater, air stone and clean water. Collect the eggs in a live bearing fish trap and put into your hatching tank.

3: Let your corys breed in the hatching tank then remove them. I've never used this because of space but the best option.

Water changes you need to make sure the water temp is the very same that your taking out. Personally I only start these after a week that they hatch just to give the liquifry a chance to produce, and I only use this for the first week then change to first bites, or just recently microworms.

Hope this helps a bit.
Thanks for that all! Ah perhaps I have been over water changing...that could account for it. For now I am putting the moss balls back with the cories, just in case!!! There are now 6 eggs and two fry in a net in the cory tank for now.

Thanks for the lowdown Strontiumdog, little disheartened tonight but will keep trying :good:

Transferring them in egg or fry form I seem used to already (usually get to the eggs when they are little sticky but not solid). Think I will attempt my luck at a bare bottom tank to be easier next time round. May also try as suggested and not do so frequent water changes, though the first time got a nitrite mini problem and suspect this combined with not soon enough feeding was the problem. This time round no clues...

Thanks for all the guidance and support, my aim is to raise some sort of cory fry so will keep giving it my best! Hope to have success story soon!

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