How Do You Feed Tiger Barbs?


New Member
Sep 11, 2006
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well my gouramis really love the flakes and granules, but the tiger barbs rarely will come to the top to eat the food, instead they end up having to wait for the filter to pump water onto the flakes the gouramis missed and have them fall to the floor. sense the gouramis have no issue taking all the food, the tiger barbs get none, unless i put in more than a small pinch and that just leaves a mess if i do that.
well my gouramis really love the flakes and granules, but the tiger barbs rarely will come to the top to eat the food, instead they end up having to wait for the filter to pump water onto the flakes the gouramis missed and have them fall to the floor. sense the gouramis have no issue taking all the food, the tiger barbs get none, unless i put in more than a small pinch and that just leaves a mess if i do that.
My tigers sometimes zoom to the surface to grab floating food but I tend to mix a small amount of flake food with Nutrafin complete micro granules which slowly sink whilst the flake floats and is accessable to the surface feeders.

Also try bloodworm or community mix frozen foods as they sink as well.
I had a similar problem with my danios eating all the food at high level before the other fish got near it.

I now do exactly as FKN describes pinch the flake / food between your fingers and dont release until they're about and inch or so under water - that way the food sinks quickly and all fish get a fair shot.

I also tend to release smaller portions in 2 or 3 locations in the tank - that way the boisterous fish go for the first release and fight it out - the slower ones then get a chance to munch on something at the other end of the tank.

How do you feed your fish? I know sounds like a silly question, but how do you go about it? Is it always first thing in the morning? Is it always in the same place in the tank? Let me tell you morning in the Atkinson extended family home. The Wife or I get up first, at whatever time it is, but the one who is up nearest 7 am ritually takes the cover off the Bird cage, scratches Suger and offer Buddy some seed so he will come near you, then moves to the tank. We turn on the light, then open the lid, and heaven be told, the fish are in the right upper corner. Not neccessarly EVERY fish, but the slackers come quick. They receive whatever the "catch of the day" is (pellet, bloodworm, brine shrimp) then chase whatever is left around the tank in the current. Heck everytime I walk to the tank our Blue Gourami go to the corner! Our Tiger Barbs will sit and actually look at the bottle of food outside the tank, which also lives in the right front corner of the tank.

I guess all I'm saying is try training them, sure they are fish, but believe me the hungry ones will figure it out. ;)

Oh I almost forgot! 10 Ghost shrimp every 3 weeks or so seem to keep everyone happy. If you know what I mean. I think grabbing a snack in the night isnt a bad thing.

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