How Do You Do Water Changes In A Shrimp Tank?

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Fish Aficionado
Jan 23, 2007
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South Carolina
Since we've started getting baby cherries now... I'm wondering if there is an easier way to do water changes/gravel vacs?

I just did one and had to fish out around 7 teeny tiny little shrimp that got sucked up.

Am I gonna be doomed to having to use turkey basters? Or doomed to having to stare for 30+ minutes in to a bucket looking for the ant sized ones :p
well a mesh would stop them but may stop small bits of debry but most muck should pass
*nods* I was thinking about using a mesh, but then it wouldn't pick up poo and any other debris that needs to be vacuumed up. *shrugs* I'll try it though next time.
yeah just giv it a go
Put a screen over where the hose attaches to the plastic part. That way the syphon still has a cyclone effect and debris will go through but the shrimp will get caught on the screen if you happen to suck any up.

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