How Do You Do Ur Infusoria?

I usualy put loads & loads of plants in before breeding so it will happen naturaly or Liquifry No 1 will start it off to.
I usualy put loads & loads of plants in before breeding so it will happen naturaly or Liquifry No 1 will start it off to.

1. I take a few flakes of alalfa hay and place it in a shallow container filled with old aquarium water.
2. At twentyfour to fortyeight hours, I examine the culture (I use a binocular dissecting scope) looking for movement.
3. After a week and a good growth of animals are present, I will transfer this stock culture to a gallon container filled with aquarium water with an air stone. I often add green water at this point to help the growth off. I keep 4 or 5 of these going at all times. Occasionally drop a grain of rice or wheat or a pea into the mix to feed the bacteria.

When I have left over cultures from my classes, I try to develope ''pure" cultures of euglena and paramecium.

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