How do you determine how many fry live?

Rob 28

Fish Fanatic
Apr 3, 2004
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If your fish breed and you want to keep a few - how do you work it out so that you dont have hundreds but you dont take so many eggs out (supposing you do take some eggs out to reduce the numbers ?) - that you have none surviving atall ?

I would love to keep some when my gouramis breed but wouldnt want more than a few! :blink:
I am not sure that i would mess with the eggs however once the fry are free swimming then collect double the number that you want to keep as there are deaths that occur specially if you have never done this before. I would then use the rest as live food for other fish either yours or someone elses lucky fish :shifty:
Hi Rob,
I'd say raise the whole brood - then sell, give away or cull what you cann't use

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