How Do You Catch Your Fish When Lots Of Liverock In Your Tank?


Fish Addict
Dec 21, 2007
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im trying catch a pair of 4striped humbug damsels? as they as a pain and cahseing all my other fish! but soon as i get a net near it they will swim in the rock :angry:
I noticed that when I purchase fish at my LFS he opens the lid to the tanks and the fish all come swimming up to the surface because they think that they are being fed. I was impressed how he catches them with such ease. He uses the small clear plastic container that hangs on the tanks. When the fish is near, he puts it slowly to the surface, waits till it is somewhat close and pushes it down into the water. The fish just gets sucked right into it as the water enters and fills the container. I am not sure what your set up is like but this works well for the LFS guy here.
Mines a corner tank with lots of rock!! going be a bugger but i really need them out!! FAST
Try that and let me know how it works. It lookls real easy. I think that the fish aren't that scared of it as they really know what that net represents. :no:
Ill give it ago but i dont think it works! they are too scard even when i move fast in frount of the tank the hide!
You're trying to catch a damselfish with rock still in the tank? Wow, good luck... About your only hope is a product called "The Trap". Its an acrylic cylinder with a place to put food as bait and a trap door. COLOSSAL pain in the butt to use but it works. May take you days to try and get them though. Failing that you can try fishing, literally. Get the smallest hook you can find, skewer a bristle worm, and do it old-fashioned. Or... Take the rock out of the tank :(
You're trying to catch a damselfish with rock still in the tank? Wow, good luck... About your only hope is a product called "The Trap". Its an acrylic cylinder with a place to put food as bait and a trap door. COLOSSAL pain in the butt to use but it works. May take you days to try and get them though. Failing that you can try fishing, literally. Get the smallest hook you can find, skewer a bristle worm, and do it old-fashioned. Or... Take the rock out of the tank :(

:( new this was going be hard :(
had the same problem with an angel and a wrasse the only way to do it fast (not really that fast but quickest way to do it) is to remove most of the rock etc from the tank, good luck with this one!
I often was able to pull my damsel out by getting a larger net than you would use and then putting a block of frozen mysis shrimp in it. Then when the fish comes in to feed swish it out.
I often was able to pull my damsel out by getting a larger net than you would use and then putting a block of frozen mysis shrimp in it. Then when the fish comes in to feed swish it out.

I think that is the best way for me im trying that at the min! but they wont go in to the net!!

I think its going be all rock out :-(:-(
Rock came out! got the fish and tock them to my lfs and got a nice aneome for them witch im happy with! rock back and and looks even better then befor :D

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