How do you breed this?


New Member
Nov 21, 2004
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How do breed corys with out the parents eating the eggs ? and would you notice them right awayt if you saw the eggs? I know your supposed to get the parents out of the tank to another tank but how do you do that in time? thats my main concern -_-
You need 2 males and a female of the same species. The female will choose a male and they'll mate. I don't think cories are too bad with their eggs. You need to breed them in a seperate tank though and I think the trigger for breeding is a large water change with water at a slightly lower temperature (3 deg or so less). You then take the adults out and wait for the fry to hatch. Most of the eggs should still be there and the fry should hatch within a few days I suppose. They are small and will require infusoria and BBS/microworms/liquid foods (microworms/liquid foods is safer)I think. Later they'll eat crushed flake.

I would include a ceramic pot and some plants in the breeding tank though I don't know whether they are necessary.

I've never tried myself to be honest but this is what I remember being told/reading :)
Female cories carry the eggs in the fins under thier belly to a safe place where they clean the area and then stick the eggs to it.... they choose a different spot for each batch of eggs they carry.... :)
Blackhawksfn0286 said:
How do breed corys with out the parents eating the eggs ? and would you notice them right awayt if you saw the eggs? I know your supposed to get the parents out of the tank to another tank but how do you do that in time? thats my main concern -_-
Hi Blackhawksfn0286 :)

Not all corys will eat their eggs, so you might have up to 3 or 4 days to move the parents and clean out the tank, before they hatch. In fact, some corys actually take care of them and only eat ones that are infertile and might get fungus on them.

If you regularly watch your tank, you will see clusters of the eggs on the glass or plants when the corys spawn. They are large enough that if they are there, you will not miss seeing them. :D

What kind of corys do you have, and what other fish are in your tank? :unsure:
Well i am starting a new tank.. and not totaky sure whats all goin to be in it but i know i will have rummy nose tetras in it and it will be a 29 gal tank... i also have a 10 gal tank i possibly could breed em in ? also a 5?... any ideas what to put in tank and what corries are easiere to breed or somthin? also my other tank i have lepard corries in there with black widows and black phantoms and bloodfin tetra which is also a 29 gal tank.. i don't know the sex of my corries... they are lepard corries
I have never bred cories but I have an idea. You have to be very inspective {Is that even a word?} of them and as soon as you see eggs take them out into a spare tank you might have, Hope this helps!

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